The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Friday, February 29, 2008

All In For Obama

One of the players in my poker league heard about a poker fundraiser for Obama. They didn't have a place or experience with hosting a tournament, so I volunteered to run it for them. It was great fun! In one week, we were able to get enough prizes donated to ensure that everyone that played got a prize. We had 37 players and raised $1200. I'll post a picture of the T-shirt that I had made up for the event.

I haven't really followed any of the political activity going on this election year---but I knew that I wanted to do my little part in getting people educated about one of the candidates, and what he stands for.

I used to live in Virginia, and remember going to the Clinton/Gore inauguaral parade in D.C., and I remember the excitement and the energy of that weekend. The tournament had a similar buzz---just alot less people, of course!


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