The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sometimes, You Just Gotta Walk Away

Yesterday, I went to a friends house for a BBQ and cash game. I sat there for over 2 hours and didn't get any cards worth playing, and only paid the blinds. Another game of no-limit fold'em for me. So I lost about 5 bucks just in blinds,(.25/.50). Then I got a flush right as I was about to leave...and ended up cashing out $7 up. What a loooooooooooong time to wait for one hand!

Then I went to Dallas Nite Club to play. The first session was okay--I ended up at the final table again, and went out at 6th again, I believe.

The second session was a total farce. The table I was seated at had a bunch of idiots at it. They were calling everything--regardless of how large a bet it was, and they were playing shit cards. I was getting more and more pissed. Especially because I was playing good cards, and getting sucked out on. Including when I had pocket Queens and raised pre-flop 7 times the BB. When I paired an Ace on the board--one of the idiots kept calling my raises...and got an 8 on the river for trips. Clearly he had no idea how to play....and I was so friggin pissed that I wanted to go punch the asshole and turn the table over. So I left the table and walked away....and then I didn't feel like talking to anyone after that---but I didn't want to leave the bar yet.

Now, I'm not really the kind of person that gets that angry...but I think it was probably the stress of the week (my dog passing away) and the run of bad cards that made me so frustrated and angry. Not to mention that the alcohol that I was drinking wasn't giving me that nice fuzzy feeling---maybe I was just programmed for anger last night.

Another friend of mine got sucked out on, also....and he was pissed too. So pissed that he walked away too. Maybe last night was the night for asses.

Finally! A Straight Flush!

and like my friend, was against quads, on Friday night.

I was the big blind and had 34 diamonds. The flop came 25diamonds and another 2. The guy on my left bet 1500, two other me. The turn was another 2. I checked, and he bet 1500 again, we all called. The river was Ace of diamonds! The guy bet 1500 again, and the one other person called. I debated on how much to raise--cause I definitely wanted those two people to call me. I raised to 3000, and they both called right away. I delayed showing my hand, as the guy proudly announces, "I've got quad 2's." And I had the pleasure of annoucing,"I've got a straight flush!" I was sooooo happy! I did ask them later if I had gone all in, if they would have called....and they said they would have. That would have been awesome!

Needless to say, I came in 6th in that tournament....and in the second session, I came in 2nd!

I definitely enjoyed playing vs. running the tournament!