The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Playing Under The Influence....

of country songs that trigger sad memories is definitely not the way to make it to a final table!

For some reason, last night, the DJ must have played every sad country song he could find! And when I asked him about playing a song that I had recently heard on the radio---he didn't know it!

So although the reason I went to play last night was to get some more points for the final tournament tomorrow, I ended up going all in during the first session just to get out of the game. And in the second session, I earned a whopping 50 points! And to think, I gave up a cash game for this!

I can certainly understand why the pros where their least they can be somewhat in control of their external environment, thereby controlling some of the variables that determine attitude and mood.

After so many depressing songs, all I wanted to do was go to sleep! nevermind having enough mental agility and focus to play at a final table!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Final Table!

Wow! Last night, I came in 3rd out of 72 people in a final tournament. I wasn't even going to go play---cause I wasn't feeling up to playing. I was tired, I was grumpy---and as I've learned---when my energy is low--my cards will be low as well. But a friend of mine convinced me to come out and play.

Now, I've been playing with some of these people since October--and admittedly, there are some people that I find intimidating or just downright annoying! Heck--I'm sure the same can and will be said of me over time! And I did indeed get seated at the table with some of the people that had the highest points over the 12 week tournament. Lucky me. I just knew that I wouldn't last past the first hour.

I never saw so many low cards in my particular...3/5 of hearts and 7/5 of hearts. Over and over and over. Maybe the Universe was trying to send me a message about my overall emotional well-being. Anyway, I didn't play any hands until I was in the Big Blind and said okay, I'll play the 7/5......and SURPRISE!!!!! The flop came 5 5 10....I did slowplay and ended up winning! I didn't play another hand for almost another hour. As a matter of fact, in one hour, I lost over 20,000 chips just to blinds and calls that I had to fold.

I got down to 2 chips--15000, and that is when everything turned around! I starting collecting chips, people were going all-in and I kept doubling up! Which naturally led me to the final table. And what a group it was! 4 of the 9 were women! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! One by one, people started going all in....and I held out and only played when I felt "led" to play. The blinds were freakin' high! 40/80K, 50/100K---I'd never had so many chips---EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say, when it was down to 5, I noticed that I was starting to marvel at the fact that I had made it so far....wondering if I would get to first or second....and my heart was starting to beat fast, my left hand was beginning to shake---the ANXIETY was beginning to get to me...and as the other two got taken out--the anxiety continued. Now I know, this game wasn't nearly as important as a final table at the WSOP or WPT, but for me, any game that I play is part of my learning process, and I am definitely going to have to work on my mind and stress control!

So, I went all in with AJ of Diamonds, and my caller had AK of spades. We ended up with 2 pair and the King kicker I went out in 3rd!

Congratulations to the winners! Considering I had planned to lose and go home early---I am very pleased with my play! And proud that I was able to put my thoughts aside and focus on playing poker.

Which only goes to show that we can indeed put aside thoughts that are not in our highest good---and focus on the task at hand!