The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Final Tournament @ RC Fowlers

Wednesday night, the 22nd was the final tournament...they finally announced the prize...first and second place were gonna win a cruise. I'm up for that. So I decided ice tea was definitely gonna be the way to go.

My table was fun, there were no bullies....72 people in all were playing. I got quad 4's! Yipppppeeeeeee!

My eyes keep roaming though....a guy that hasn't been around in awhile is there....and well, he is just sooooooo damn cute....FOCUS...FOCUS....FOCUS....there is a cruise on the line. And he is in my direct line of vision! Sadly, he gets knocked out. His straight lost to a full house (on the river)

Nothing very exciting is happening, I'm just playing my game. During the break, I go get my cell phone and get cute boy's phone number. And then I decide to bring my Ipod in because they are playing some horrible music that evening. I put my Ipod on, and unbelievably, it actually made things I turned it off.

I actually wasn't having any luck until Craig's List Guy came and sat behind me and started talking to me. Usually, I don't really talk while I play---but, I wasn't getting any I didn't need to concentrate oh so much. But.....since CLG was talking to me....I started getting great cards....and winning some hands!!!!!!!!!!!! I told him he couldn't leave until I lost---he was my good luck charm.

Finally we got down to two tables.....and I decided to switch to beer. And well, I had only eaten one piece of salmon all the one beer gave me a nice buzz. Only 4 more people had to be knocked out for the final I was counting on that happening. CLG followed me but then he got on his cell phone...and well, my luck dried one point, I turned around and asked him...."are you focusing on me winning???" He didn't answer...he was on the phone.

Blinds went up to 40K/80K, and I only had 40K left. I was going to be big blind next, and I had pocket 5's. I decided to go all in....and lost. So since I had finished my second beer at that point, I was a little goofy......and as a joke, I went and picked up the first place trophy....went to the front door, and announced that it was fun, but I was leaving....and waved with the trophy. Everyone started laughing....and the owner of the poker company thought it was pretty funny...but he was kinda looped too.

So I sat with my friend, and CLG, and he bought us Jager Bombs. I have never had that before...and the shots were HUGE! My friend scrunched up her face like it was I didn't drink mine. She had to go finish that left CLG and me to talk....and me to "procrastinate" drinking my Jager bomb. We are going to introduce CLG to sake bombs.

Is it any wonder that I can be bullied out of a hand????? I was nervous and afraid of a Jager bomb!!!!!!!!!!! Eventually, I did drink it...and I liked it! So, I just had to have another!!!!!!!

Needless to say....I didn't win a cruise....but I did try yet another alcoholic drink.....and I got to spend some time with some neat people, that I wouldn't have met otherwise. And, for me, until I can turn this poker playing thing into a real money making will only continue to widen my social circle. that I am writing this...I am feeling "thirsty" I want to play poker. I just cash game people didn't call me tonight....that's odd.

I could make it to Dallas Night Club by 10:3o though for poker.....Hmmmmmmmmm.

The Dreaded Reno Update

Well, clearly I didn't win in Reno, or I would have busted my butt trying to get something written here. So, it's been over a week since I've written...and I've just finished reading April's blog---and well, sounds like they had much more fun than I did. I should have stayed home.

Well, actually, besides the tournament--the trip was good.

The Reno Hilton is actually quite nice. I got my Hilton Honors upgrade--so the room was quite large. The tournament had a rate of $44 per night, and I was sharing with another woman from Austin--you can't do much better than that, unless one is fully comped!

I am a nickel slot player. I looooooooooooooove those silly video slots with the silly elusive bonuses. But it seems like penny slots have taken over the casino. No problem. I have allotted $200 for my slot playing....once it's's gone! And well, after about 4 hours of bebopping around, I was down to about $40. So I took myself back to the Star Wars penny slot machine and began hitting the "bet" buttons at random (9 lines--20 bet is max). And I start winning! Woohooo! Then I got the elusive bonus---all the way through---and won $100! I am very happy, and end up cashing out at $200.

I go looking for my friends, and find another favorite machine, "Tailgate Party." It seems like whereever I find this machine---I win! This was no exception....and I got my money up to $400.

I cashed out, and played at a new game, "Bingo," (I am a sucker for anything BINGO) and proceeded to lose the money down to about $120. So I started playing the variable bets...and I started winning....My biggest win was 15000 pennies. Cooooooool! A strange man comes and sits next to me and begins telling me his life story....and I feel a little uncomfortable with so much money in the machine, and on my person. So when it was at $275, I cash out and go to my room. And I keep looking over my shoulders to make sure he doesn't follow me.

I had no idea that it was 3:30am....I had planned to be in bed by 11pm. Afterall, there is a two hour time difference. And more importantly, I wanted to be fully rested for the tournament.
Thank goodness it wasn't starting until 2pm.

So we go register at 12pm, and I am assigned table 7, seat 1. I think to myself that that is a great sign........I go to the steam room for some relaxation and meditation time.

I'm too nervous to I skip lunch...and get to my table about 5 minutes early. We are only starting with $1000 in chips, and the blinds are going to be 25/25 for the first half hour.

We get started....very first hand, I have JJ. I'm happy that I am in the blind, and I have JJ. The woman in seat 6 raises to $300, pre-flop. "FUUUUUUUUUUU....K!" I yell. Inside my head of course. One woman has already called her, and since it is the first hand, I'm thinking AA or KK. I fold. After the flop, there was an Ace on the board, she raises another $300....and the other woman folds. No problem....I only lost $25. And again, I figured she must have had the highest possible pairs, since in the first hand, she was willing to put 60% of her money in the pot.

I fold the second hand. The same woman raises to $200. There are 3 callers this time. Doesn't go to the river. She wins by betting everyone out again. I am wondering if the other tables are going like this.

Third hand, I get pocket 7's. Cool....I have my fingers crossed (figuratively, of course) that people are going to play reasonably. When it gets to me, it is still $75, so I call. Big blind raises to $400 (pre-flop). I fold...and I am pissed. I am ready to ask the women at the table if we are playing poker or buy the pot. She gets one caller. After the flop, they both check. On the turn, the raiser bets $500. The other woman folds.

Three hands, and we haven't seen what anyone was playing. We actually went through 9 hands without seeing anyone's cards. The first cards we got to see were because a woman went all in and another woman called her. The all-in had KJ, and the caller had AK---and neither one of them had anything by the river. Me---I would have had a full house...and an extra $2000+ in chips.

Several more hands go by, and I get pocket 7's again. I raise to $150. I get one caller---who actually raises me another $100. The caller is the woman who had the AK above. So since I am down to only $325 left....I decide to go all in. I am frustrated and pissed off at all of the bullies at the table. Remember the blinds are $25/$25.

My 7's held up until the river---when the lady got a Jack. So I had the honor of being the 2nd woman off of our table. At least I wasn't the first one out of the tournament!

Shit! I think it took longer for me to recount the experience than it did for me to get knocked out! I was out of the tournament in less than 14 minutes. I went and told two of the other women from Austin, and told myself that I needed to go to the room and watch a movie---rather than lose any more money.

But......being the adrenaline, slot addicted person that I am....I took myself to the slot area and thanks to Craig's List Guy, I felt like maybe I had some inside help on how to play the video poker machines. They have never made sense to me...yet it seems like everyone I know wins THOUSANDS on them. I decide I better play pennies until I get the hang of it. And I do pretty well.....I only put $5.00 in the machine, and I get it up to $25. I then see another one with more bells and's kind of like tic-tac-toe....20 possible lines to win. So I take my $25 over to that machine. And it is more fun!!!!!!!!!! I get a 4 of a kind on the center line....which means that I have 3 lines of four of a kind----3000 pennies! Wooooohoooo! I also get a Royal Flush--but because I am playing pennies....and I didn't have the max bet...alas, I did not win thousands. That win gets me to $125, and I donate $50 back to the casino. At that point, I am starting to get bored....and I feel the BINGO machine calling me. No one has been playing it...and I feel it trying to tell me to come play.

I take my $75 (made from $5, remember) and put my ticket in the BINGO machine....again with the skillful random betting, I start hitting big and largest jackpot was 22000 pennies. The highest I had the machine up to was $400, and I cashed out at $339. So.....thanks to the penny machines....I got my buy-in back for the tournament....and I was completely even with my money.

I go to the players' club booth and find out I have $51 in comps available also. I take $30 and go have sushi ($19.99 eat all you can eat!!!!!!! and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!), and then go to the room and watch a movie.

What I learned from this poker tournament is that from now on, before I decide to go play somewhere, I am going to find out how much I get in starting chips. And....unless I've got pocket Aces, I am not going to play any hands until I get a feel for the players at the table.

My friends said that they didn't have bullies like that at their tables....I must have had them all. And the farthest that anyone got was 19, and the money started at 18. Darn.

So that is the Reno update in all its glory. The Hilton doesn't even have a poker was right in the middle of the casino, roped off section and smoke all around. Yuck!

BTW, this tournament was part of the World Poker Open.