The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Oklahoma, Oklahoma!

It's exciting to know that 6 women have committed to go to Oklahoma for the Ladies Championship tournament on Saturday. Everyone going is a strong, solid player---so it's going to be interesting to see if any of us make the final table!

Last night I came in 3rd again out of 45...and I realized, there is a barrier for me to go above 3rd. I am always 3rd! I was sharing this with a friend today, and he said--maybe you are afraid of heads-up? And after some thought, I told him, "it's been so long since I played heads-up that I know that I am weak in this area."

Well, tonight, I actually made it to second! And even while I was playing---I felt like I didn't know how to play at all! What cards do I play? What do I fold? How much do I bet when my chipstack is small?

I am thrilled that I burst the 3rd place bubble! I guess now isn't the time to be trying to figure it out, when the tournament is two days away!

Yikes! I got lots to do!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Coretta Scott King maybe this isn't directly linked to poker. But today was a major day in US history. I was fortunate enough to see most of the service on several of the news channels (MSN, CNN, etc.)

After watching the service for Mrs. King, I really wasn't so inspired to play poker after that! Rather I wanted to focus more on my goals and how to be a better citizen...blah...blah...blah.

But I went....and traffic was horrendous....183 was like a parking lot...even an ambulance couldn't get by (i'm not sure why the shoulder wasn't wide enough). So I am now running late, and upon arrival at Fowlers, discover that we are one woman short to make our LIPS table. Several people came in late, and we did end up having a woman's table.

The energy was off ----many people were not their usual selves. People were grumpy, irritable and obnoxious---and playing tonight was very fragmented. It seemed like everyone wanted to be someplace else, doing anything but playing poker.

There is probably some quantum physics explanation that could tie the services for Ms. King to the shift of energy in the Universe today. I don't know.

I know that the second crowd that was coming in was comprised of many first timers to Fowlers, and several of us kept complaining that we were too tired, or just didn't feel right there tonight. Once I realized that I still had time to make it home and watch Boston Legal--well, my choice was simple! Home, James!

That is pretty bad, when I choose a TV show over playing poker! So I enjoyed Boston Legal, and have no regrets that I didn't play the second session. I'll go out again tomorrow and see what happens!

The only reason I went tonight was that I want to have as much practice playing tournament style as possible. Maybe I should have thrown in a night at TFPL for real practice. The tournament in Tulsa only gives us $2000 in chips...and antes quick in after the first hour of play. I think it's gonna get agressive pretty quick.

So, we'll see. If I get lucky on the slot machines Friday night, or earn my buy-in in the poker room---the experience alone will be worth the $300.