The Game of Poker and Life

Musings on the game of poker and life---from a woman's point of view. What happens when you mix poker, alcohol, men and women????? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Poker Stars?????????

well, I went back to the site that I found to make sure I didn't read the year wrong!

and sure enough, it says October 2006...but registration is already closed??? in mid February?

something may be amiss here! maybe someone out there knows more???

Poker Stars Blog tournament link:

Austin Poker Bloggers

I decided to stay in. It's just too cold and besides, I am having too much fun searching the internet for Austin Poker Bloggers! I had no idea that there were so many people in Austin blogging about poker--I'm so new to blogging, I don't even realize how many people are blogging period!

And thanks to the neat features that some people have on their blogs, I've added a few myself!

I'm so glad to have discovered blogging! I'm actually having to learn a little bit about HTML codes! Good brain exercises, I think.

How cool that Pokerstars is gonna have an online tournament just for bloggers!

My life just may end up being about poker and blogging!

Poker or My Life

So, I've been feeling a little guilty lately, playing poker almost every night of the week. I shouldn't feel guilty. It's not like I have anything else valuable that I would be doing with my time. If I wasn't playing poker, well, I'd be sitting at home watching TV.

I've been doing well lately, when I play. Although this week has been kinda rough. On Monday, my 17 year old cat passed on, the last of a family of 7 cats. So while I didn't particularly feel in the mood to play poker, I did make myself go out and play on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.

Tuesday night was Valentine's Day, so of course there weren't near as many people there to play poker. We had a LIPS table, and I came in 2nd. Then I remembered that Boston Legal was on, so I decided to skip the second session. Yes.....I have a VCR, but I had forgotten to set it up to record. And besides, there are just some shows that are worth seeing at airtime (am I the only one that feels like this?)

Wednesday night, I recorded Lost and Invasion, so I got to play both sessions. I made 3rd and 4th. And I had been drinking since 4 in the afternoon! I had kinda stopped drinking when I play poker, 'cause I thought it was making me play better! Then I ended up doing just as well. So, who knows?

I can say that it is hard to play poker when you don't feel like being around people. I had considered taking my IPOD in, so that people would know to leave me alone--but then I figured people would think I was trying to be "pro". Hell, it shouldn't matter what people think---at all!

I'm hurting enough that I don't want to be sociable---but I'm smart enough to know that I can't allow myself to just sit home and mourn. Especially since I work from home--if I get too down, I might not leave my house for a couple of weeks.

Thursday night was easy. No Will & Grace, Four Kings, My Name is Earl or ER. Just the Olympics----so off to poker I went. I got there late and got shorted 5,000 in chips--but on my second hand, I got a flush, and more than doubled up--I was off to a good start! Besides, it was over 80 degrees, and the bar that I play at on Thursday nights is absolutely beautiful! A perfect Hill Country setting. I ended up 5th, so I was pleased.

The second game, I didn't do so hot, but then again I was seated at a table with some people that I am not too comfortable around. So my focus was off and I played very loosely. I'm not sure, but I think one of the guys took my picture with his camera phone....and that kinda freaked me out. And I felt like some of the guys have the impression that their "book knowledge" of poker is superior to other's at the table and they were taking advantage of a relatively new player--who just doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.

Mr. Book got moved to our table early on, and there were 3 new players at the table. The blinds were 500/1000 and one of the new players bet 16,000 preflop (in the big blind). Well, everyone then chose to fold, and I had pocket Jacks. Mr. Book seated to my left would be next to call. He began a discourse on how betting 16,000 is not a correct bet, spouting off about pot odds, and I am trying to decide whether or not to call. He continues to babble on about value betting, and since I had no clue what he was talking about, I tuned him out. And I decided to call. Well, after I called, Mr. Book decided that he would fold--something about he wanted to call, but if I was calling, the odds were all messed up. Well, after the flop, the new guy went all in, and I called--I had trip Jacks---how could I not?? Well he had pocket Kings and of course I won.

Now, I'm not saying that I shouldn't know this stuff that Mr. Book was talking about--but if you only play hands based on what other people bet, how can you ever play your cards. Especially in a freeroll situation, where you have new people that may not even know what some of these terms are? I'm sure that if we had been playing a final table in the World Series of Poker, the things that Mr. Book was talking outloud about would have been a consideration for all the players at the table. So the good thing that came out of it, is that I learned that there is still much I don't know about the mechanics of No-limit and the math side of the game. I know, I Sklansky. People have been telling me that for over a year.

Hmmmm....maybe I am too comfortable. I'll have to think about that.

I ended up not going to my cash game on Friday night, choosing instead to watch Stargate and play POGO. I just wasn't up to driving, drinking and socializing. And I guess I was feeling brain dead.

So, here it is, almost time for me to decide if I am going to play tonight....which is what got me to thinking about feeling guilty about playing poker so much. Am I wasting too much of my time? What hated chores am I putting off? Is there something in my emotional life that I am avoiding looking at? Or is Poker something that I love, and an important part of my life?

I guess time will tell. I do know that I have procrastinated for several years working on some projects.....and go figure, I managed to make my first poker product within one month of being inspired to create the poker journal. And how exciting that when I checked the site yesterday, three people had already looked at the journal! How cool is that???????????? I of course ordered 5 myself so that I could give it out as prizes and to also see my finished product!

So maybe, its not about poker or my life. Maybe poker is becoming my life---afterall, I did name this blog "passionate about poker!"

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oklahoma State Poker Championship

yeah baby! Everyone who plays poker knows who says that! How exciting when the casino brought him to the women's brunch as a special guest! He actually went to each and every table to shake hands with each woman....sign a few autographs and have his picture taken. As soon as I get the film developed...and if I like the photo---I'll post it! Of course, just in case you don't know who it is----Scotty Nguyen! (seen in the photo with Dottie, the winner of the tournament)

So the women from Austin rocked! I ended up not playing in the tournament---thanks to the disorganization of a brand new hotel that had just opened up. There was one mess after another, so I took it as a sign that I wasn't supposed to play. That's okay. I ended up hanging out at Susie Isaacs booth and with Hermie (won a seat to Aruba in an online tournament and had the honor of taking Phil Ivey out in Aruba), and cheering for my gang.

There were a total of 136 women--including Kathy Liebert and Susie Isaacs in the tournament. One Austinite got out around 100, the fourth got out around 30, and the third got out at 12th---which means that two women made it to the final table! The next woman came to the table shortstacked, so we were certain that she was going to end up in 10th place. Lo and behold, she managed to hang in there til 5th place ($2500 win!) It came down to the final three, and the last woman standing from Austin took out one of the women to become the new chip leader. A break was called, and the two women decided to chop the pot ($19,000), and play for the championship, and the prizes.

Within 4 hands, the game was over with a fullhouse, and Oklahoma got its First Ever Oklahoma State Ladies Poker Champion! And she's from Austin, and it was her first tournament ever (outside of local league tournaments) The prizes include a seat in the LIPS tour Grand Championship and a seat in the US Ladies Poker Championship tournaments, a leather jacket from the Cherokee Casino, and a leather jacket from Pokerhost, and a beautiful one of a kind piece of Cherokee pottery.

The women played from 2pm til 12:30am---and it was extremely exciting!

Aside from the poker, the highlight of my weekend was meeting one of my top 10 heroes (well, more accurately, a she-ro). Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would meet her---and she was a special guest of the casino. The woman is Wilma Mankiller, the only woman to ever be president of a tribal nation (Cherokee). Especially after Coretta Scott King's service on Tuesday, I found it especially poignant that I was able to meet Ms. Mankiller.

Just goes to show, poker can bring more people together peacefully from different worlds, than a peace summit! Well, okay, maybe that's going to far---but it is interesting to see how the game of poker is bringing us all closer together!

There were some neat vendors there....with cool poker jewelry and cardholders. I'll be adding links in the future.

This weekend also saw the debut of my first poker product...and I sold 5! I'm not gonna talk about it yet, cause not everyone that is in my innercircle knows what it is! Soon though!

Overall, it was a fantastic weekend....and even with the glitches at the hotel(not the Casino hotel), I can say that I will plan to play more tournaments at the Cherokee Casino in Tulsa.